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Periplus Editions

This page lists bird related books published by Periplus Editions. Periplus is an imprint of Tuttle Publishing.

The books are listed by publication date with the most recent at the top.


A Visual Celebration of Borneo's Wildlife

Fanny Lai and Bjorn Olesen

Periplus Editions


"Illustrated with more than 350 images, taken by Bjorn Olesen and other wildlife photographers, "A Visual Celebration of Borneo's Wildlife" is a photographic tribute to the most spectacular wildlife species on the second-largest tropical island on Earth. It displays nature's beauty, revealing many private moments of the astonishing biodiversity of Borneo, where nature runs riot. Based on the latest research, it is filled with captivating little-known facts about the wildlife that modern-day travelers may come across when visiting this enchanting island. It also describes the top 16 wildlife locations in Borneo, with a comprehensive list of recommended reading, websites and blogs provided."

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A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia: Including the Philippines and Borneo

Morten Strange

Periplus Editions


Reprint of 2003 edition

"This guide covers 668 species found in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Borneo. Each species is illustrated with a photograph and distribution map, making this a quick-reference guide in a pocketable format."

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A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Indonesia

Morten Strange

Periplus Editions


"This guide covers almost 700 species found in Indonesia. Each species description is illustrated with a photograph and distribution map, making this a quick-reference guide in a pocketable format. Introductory sections include general information, such as the biogeography of the region covered."

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Tropical Birds of Southeast Asia

Morten Strange

Periplus Editions


A 64 page guide covering 96 species.

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Birding Indonesia: A Bird-watcher's Guide to the World's Largest Archipelago

Editor: Paul Jepson

Periplus Editions


"Birding Indonesia is the first guide to bird-watching in Indonesia. The archipelago contains 17% of the world's bird species, of which 381 are found nowhere else on earth. Written by the world's leading authorities on Indonesian birds, this book directs you in search of these specialities, to sites as varied as the environs of Jakarta to Arfak Mountains in Irian Jaya. Information: Essays on bird families, a history of Indonesian ornithology, today's conservation efforts, and much more. A complete checklist of Indonesian birds, with common and scientific names(along with the areas in which the birds are found), and a bibliography."

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Birds of Bali

Victor Mason and Frank Jarvis

Periplus Editions


"Celebrating the great colour and diversity of Bali's many avian inhabitants, this book is a comprehensive and illustrated introduction to over 120 of Bali's avian species. It should be a useful reference for ornithologists."

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Last updated September 2013