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The State of New Zealand Birds

This page lists The State of New Zealand Birds publications produced annually by the Ornithological Society of New Zealand.

The books are arranged by publication date with the most recent at the top.


The State of New Zealand Birds 2009

Conservation of Migrant Birds

Editor: Kerry-Jayne Wilson

The Ornithological Society of New Zealand


"In this report we wish to:

  • Identify those species that breed in New Zealand and regularly migrate to other parts of the world, those that breed elsewhere and spend part of the year in New Zealand, and those species that make regular seasonal movements from one part of New Zealand to another.
  • Identify the status and threats to those migratory species.
  • Describe population changes where these are known and highlight gaps in our knowledge that need to be filled in order to address threats, potential or actual to migratory species.
  • Report recent advances in technology that have enabled us to study the migratory paths of a few species in great detail and the scope for such methods to provide further insight into the movements of migratory birds."
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The State of New Zealand Birds 2008

Conservation of Birds on the Mainland

Editor: Kerry-Jayne Wilson

The Ornithological Society of New Zealand


"For some species – certain kiwi, the wrybill, black-billed gull, black-fronted tern, and kaki (black stilt) – there are no suitable refuge islands, and these species must be managed on the mainland amongst the dangers that made them rare. For others such as kokako and takahe, islands offer only limited refuge and mainland populations are essential for their future. Although mammal-free offshore islands remain crucial to the survival of many endangered species, and they probably will always play a vital role in species management, conservation involves more than saving species on rat- free islands. Today we are also interested in the restoration of mainland ecosystems and this entails the reintroduction of some of those birds now confined to islands, in particular the seabirds that have been eliminated from the mainland."

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The State of New Zealand Birds 2007

New Zealand bird atlas

Editor: Kerry-Jayne Wilson

The Ornithological Society of New Zealand


"This report on the state of New Zealand's birds 2007 highlights the more important changes in bird distribution that have been identified by the recently-published Atlas of Bird Distribution in New Zealand 1999-2004. Our emphasis here is on those endemic species that have declined in range over the 20 years since the first atlas was produced and those introduced species that are expanding into new areas."

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The State of New Zealand Birds 2006

New Zealand's Seabirds

Editor: Kerry-Jayne Wilson

The Ornithological Society of New Zealand


"The State of New Zealand's Seabirds 2006 report presents an overview of the current status of this country's seabirds. It seeks to identify those species that are in decline and not subject to active management and those for which we have insufficient knowledge to know their true status. This statement has been written on behalf of the Ornithological Society of New Zealand (OSNZ) by ornithologists who share a concern for the well being of our birds and their habitats. We hope this publication will highlight the plight of our seabirds and encourage the Department of Conservation, OSNZ, other NGOs, universities and authorities to focus on research and management that address the problems we identify."

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The State of New Zealand Birds 2005

Editor: Kerry-Jayne Wilson

The Ornithological Society of New Zealand


"The State of New Zealand's Birds 2005 report presents an overview of the status of the country's birds. It seeks to identify species that are in decline and not subject to active management and those for which we have insufficient knowledge to know their true status."

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Last updated January 2014